Friday, August 18, 2006

Whew! Boromir is FINALLY complete!

After a week of setbacks on the resin curing, I finally got Boromir finished! He stands 11 1/2 inches tall and is complete with the Horn of Gondor slung around his shoulder.

The trouble I was having was with the resin sweating through small areas of the paint. This happens when the resin isn't thoroughly mixed in spots (my fault) and internal areas stay liquid longer and sweat through the porous material. I had to give the resin a little longer to cure, scrape the damaged paint, reseal the model (primer), and touch-up the paint. Easy fix, just time consuming.

Once burned... yada, yada. I'll be more careful when mixing resin in the future. No permanent harm done and the final result comes in as a tie with Gimli as my second favorite model after Gandalf. On to Aragorn!

It will take a little longer before you see a post for Aragorn. He is the last model I was working on and I was not finished sculpting him. I am also considering taking the sculpture all the way back to scratch. I have had some sculpting setbacks on Aragorn and I have never been happy with the likeness. I think I'll try my hand at re-sculpting his face and decide from there.


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