Boromir, Blow your Horn!
No, I haven't forgotten about Aragorn. I have been working on his sculpt off and on this whole time. Since I had finished Legolas and began work on Gimli. But that is a story for the next post (above).
For now, feast your eyes on Boromir "Man of the West" and Son of Denethor!
Sporting a sword, sheath and his famous horn (a separate piece at his feet in the photo), Boromir is complete down to the embossed leather bracers and the fine fabric weave on his tunic sleeves and collar.
As the 8th model finished, Boromir stands 11 1/2" inches tall (he's sort of crouching).

For now, feast your eyes on Boromir "Man of the West" and Son of Denethor!
Sporting a sword, sheath and his famous horn (a separate piece at his feet in the photo), Boromir is complete down to the embossed leather bracers and the fine fabric weave on his tunic sleeves and collar.
As the 8th model finished, Boromir stands 11 1/2" inches tall (he's sort of crouching).

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