Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Re-making of Aragorn (Step 8)

Welcome, once again, to my sculpting series "The Re-Making of Aragorn". In this post, I complete the sculpting of the model and have it ready for molding.

Now that I have the hardened shoulder key and hand, I rough out the arms.

I verify the arm positions a lot during the sculpting to make sure that I like where they are and to get the proportions correct.

I hardened the arms and went in to carving the small fabric details.

I sculpted the bed roll and quiver onto the back key...

And finished the sword hand.
Item to note: The sword hand is the only piece that I had to completely sculpt and leave wet. During early trials, I found that the clear casting resin that I used for the weapons will melt (or get really, really sticky) if I bake it in the oven. So I'll have to be careful not to damage the hand until I can get it into the mold rubber.

Viola! The completed "New" Aragorn model (some assembly required). I have mold supplies on the way and look to get these pieces in the mold early next week! Check back later for the mold making steps.


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